We all know that Charlie Sykes does little more than parrot the talking points that the GOP email him that morning or the night before. So day in and day out, Sykes will use his bully microphone to rant and rave about the continued high unemployment or the poor education that our children are supposed to be receiving. And if he is not tearing down the good things, he is building up the bad, such as with false praises of Scott Walker, even if he has to lie to do so (which is most of the time).
But Sykes is also an author, who has a number of published books. One of his more well-known books is "Dumbing Down Our Kids," in which he decries that kids can't read or write like they should be able to, and how that is a drain on society. Or something like that.
And that is where Sykes faces a new dilemma.
Over the weekend, Sykes' favorite boy, Scott Walker, shot his fool mouth off and told kids that they would be best off to drop out of school and try to get a job in this depressed economy. And that is in spite of the fact that people with higher educations are experiencing less problems with unemployment than people with only a high school diploma or no diploma at all.
So now, does Sykes stay true to himself and say Walker was wrong in that comment or does Sykes throw himself under the bus to help support Walker's campaign?
"Sykes will use his bully microphone to rant and rave about the continued high unemployment or the poor education that our children are supposed to be receiving. And if he is not tearing down the good things..."
Are you saying high unemployment and poor education are a good thing?