Now they have had a special fly attached to the TV Cue which shows that the paper is worth even less than ever before.
After a little bit of touting on how they restored the parts that they took away in the first place, they have this little bit of news:
Like what you see? Keep getting it in 2010 for only 25 cents per week.*So, for a section that is only slightly less confusing and slightly less inaccurate than Patrick McIlheran on the subject of climate change, and something for which you've already paid, they now want to charge you extra.
*This small increase will be reflected in your next billing statement.
The new and improved TV Cue will be provided free-of-charge to current TV Cue subscribers for the remainder of 2009. Beginning January 3, 2010, you will continue to receive TV Cue for just an additional 25 cents per week. No longer want TV Cue? Call (800) 759-NEWS (6397) or go online to www.jsonline/tvcue before December 28, 2009.
I wonder how much they would charge for agenda-free investigative journalism, hold the PaddyMac.
Cross posted at Cognitive Dissidence.
The old Milwaukee Journal was ill-regarded by its peers. The current version, dominated by Sentinel staff, the people who brought you pubic hair in cola cans, is yet more wretched. Other mid-sized cities-Portland and Louisville come to mind-had been blessed over the years with great journalism, but not Milwaukee. Let it fold.