Sunday, July 18, 2010

Will They Give RoJo The "Fair and Balanced" Routine?

When Milwaukee County Supervisor Peggy West made her verbal gaffe about the Arizona racial profiling law, the right wing hate squad was relentless in their attacks on her.

Of course, this was just them being fair and balanced.

But I wonder if and when they'll get around to giving senator-wannabe Ron Johnson the same courtesy.

After all, it was RoJo that couldn't figure out that the State of New York was actually on the Great Lakes, just like Wisconsin. I'm sure that will be up on Drudge soon.

If that wasn't enough for them for some reason, they could also call RoJo out for not even knowing what state he is in. Talk about being a lost soul!

And if that wasn't enough, there is the fact that RoJo has been a staunch defender of BP despite the fact that they have done more damage to the ecological and financial systems of the Gulf Coast states than anyone else in history. On top of that is the news that BP was involved with lobbying the British government to do a prison exchange with Libya, which included the Lockerbie bomber.

If the right wing squawkers and their echo chamber doesn't start calling out RoJo on this stuff, well, people just might think that they are hypocrites.

And we just know that isn't true. Or is it?


  1. Yeah because declaring, discussing, or criticizing a senators vote on a topic is the same as voting yourself and using as support for your vote a failed ability to know where arizonia is on the map. Welcome to the fringe...

  2. Also disturbing is a commercial before it airs should be viewed many times by many pairs of eyes, as opposed to a top of the mind comment during a county board vote.

    Brings to mind the issue of what kind of team would Rojo bring to DC to be on Senate staff.

    Wonder when Chuck is going to beat this dead horse time after time after time.

  3. So cap, neither should be in office because their inability to use a map...good, glad you agree.

    Wait, no that won't work. You already defended the local milwaukee nut for not knowing where Az is on the map, so I guess in your consistent way you would then defend this candidate as well.

  4. Someone seems upset that his hypocrisy was called out. Poor Anonymous/Logic.

  5. I'm the furthest from upset, pointing out your hypocrisy is actually fun.

  6. Oh? Do let us know when you are successful.

  7. Us? Is there more than one person in your head at a time? Perhaps that is why you never know when it happens, your split personalities don't communicate with each other.

  8. This might surprise you, but we (there are multiple contributors to this site) have many readers, who can see all of your silliness.

  9. Since I was talking only to YOU and only you answered and then stated WE, shows you have a problem.

  10. Since this is a public forum, and there are other people reading this thread, it shows that I am grounded in reality and your are the one with a skewed sense of what is vs. what you want it to be.

  11. Yeah, ok. Keep thinking others are hinged on your every typed word.
