- Gateway Pundit points to Priebus and his law firm working to help clients snag up stimulus dollars even though Priebus was often a critic of the stimulus package (sounds like Scott Walker and Ron Johnson, doesn't it?)
- Think Progress points out that Priebus and his law firm came out calling the health care reform as being Constitutional and touting the benefits of the reform
- National Review Online also discusses Priebus and his pursuit of stimulus funds.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Priebus Not All That Popular After All
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The November issue of The Wisconsin Interest has a behind-the-scenes look at Ron Johnson’s successful campaign to unseat Russ Feingold in the U.S. Senate, written by Christian Schneider. WI, edited by Charlie Sykes, is put out by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, a free-market think tank and policy mill for the state’s GOP.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Speaking of Entertainment Value
I hate to add this in but the Cudahy comb-over comment is hilarious. I've been wondering about that loaf of hair for a long time. Pat- your not fooling anyone.
Glass House Denizen Throws Stones

He Might Not Know Art...
So do you think you'll catch Patrick McIlheran or Charlie Sykes or Mark Belling publicly lampooning the aesthetic predilections of their own conservative Republican fellow travelers and popular benefactors?
Me neither.
But this is the journalism that wins awards.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Exceptionally Fatuous
Pretty much defines the Syksian perspective when it comes to this concept of American exceptionalism.
Now just about all of us regard the good old US of A as the greatest country on earth, liberals included. We love our country warts and all, but an adult recognizes that if you want to be Miss America, you'd better burn off the warts.
In his continuing efforts to whip up his herd, Charlie Sykes is taking umbrage that President Obama is insufficiently delusional about where we stand in the world. Or as Sykes puts it:
Republicans, including a string of prospective presidential contenders, have taken their objections to President Obama's policies to a provocative and controversial level. Over White House objections, they're accusing him of not embracing the concept of American exceptionalism, saying he is pursuing an agenda on health care, the economy and foreign affairs that is at odds with fundamentals that distinguish the United States.Sykes thinks he has a winner here. By gum, no president born in Kenya is going to tell us that we lag in health care, or education, or infrastructure. The sad truth however is that we are in fact staring at the behinds of other countries, and usually our rankings come in at around the low 20s when compared to other nations. In that health care issue Sykes talks about, we're number 37.
But we also rank at the low 20s when it comes to taxes. Think there is a correlation? Of course there is. Other countries are investing in ourselves, while here all the deep pockets fritter away their money on financial speculation, not job creation as some assert. As for the rest of us, a lot of our money that is untouched by taxes goes into buying products made overseas. Again, not job generators.
Charlie apparently thinks that being exceptional comes through wishing, or can be had on the cheap. Like W put it, "it's hard work" and it also takes hard cash to measure up to our world wide competition.
Sargent Sykes always whines about how bleeding heart parents and teachers like to hand out trophies in order to bolster the self-esteem of their looser kids who come in second.
Can anyone explain what is the difference here, except for Sykes' continual effort to come up with something, anything, to criticize our President?
For the realists among us, and oddly lately they happen to be liberals, there is a fear that we are in our sunset years as a country. We can reverse this course, but this is a classic case where we have to put up or shut up.
The more that people like Sykes talk the voters out of insisting on the investments needed to make us a leading country in college education, research, infrastructure and other areas, the more we put ourselves farther behind.
He Don't Know Swhat!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
PolitiFact burns Sykes's ass
The Journal Sentinel's PolitiFact, which has been criticized by lefty bloggers for failing to fact check Sykes, gives him a Pants on Fire rating on his claim about University of Wisconsin Rose Bowl expenses.
It's more than a a little self-congratulatory:
PolitiFact doesn’t just look at politicians or elected officials. It will take on anyone who speaks up in the civic discourse, even if their radio station is owned by the same company (Journal Communications Inc.) that owns the Journal Sentinel.And Sykes, like his counterpart Mark Belling did awhile back, cheerfully admits he made it up, as though that is perfectly OK:
"My ‘evidence’? Absolutely none."Hilarious, huh?
Sykes went on to label his remark "an off-hand wisecrack" -- "You know, humor, hyperbole, joke."
While it's nice that the JS challenged Sykes, at long last, it's too bad it chose a fairly trivial topic after ignoring all sorts of whoppers on much bigger issues during the recent campaign.
We rate this one as Window Dressing.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Dooley Plays The "Blame The Victim" Card
If the left wing blogosphere, the unions and all their left wing pals had stuck with Jeff Plale instead of throwing their weight behind a truly radical left wing primary challenger they would have likely been able to get Plale's vote and had their new contracts.
I Can't Wait To See Sykes Explain This One
Travel times on the busy section of freeway will more than double during a repaving project scheduled to last about three months, from early April to the end of June.
Motorists commuting between the Marquette Interchange and Wisconsin Highway 16 can expect to add an hour per day to their drive time.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
McIlheran Jumps The Tracks For Walker
Earlier, Minnesota's Gov.-elect Mark Dayton reacted to the news, lamenting the loss and worried about its impact on Minnesota's plan to be part of a high-speed rail route from Chicago to the Twin Cities.
Today, Jerry Miller, chair of the Minnesota High-Speed Rail Commission called Wisconsin's loss of funding "a setback" but said the commission will continue to work to get the rail line established.
Next Pulitzer project
Posted first on Uppity Wisconsin, but then realized this is the appropriate venue.
Comment on Ed Garvey's blog:
As a vilified Wisconsin state employee and member of the Wisconsin Professional Employees Council at UW-Milwaukee, I would LOVE to see some facts/figures on the benefits, health care premium costs and coverage, salaries (including per diems claimed) and pensions of Wisconsin legislators, who, at best, are part-time employees of the state.
I suspect one could not find a better example of feeders at the public trough than our less-than-illustrious assortment of elected senators and congressmen/women. And why not throw in the figures for our soon-to-be governor for good measure?
Everyone is so concerned with state employee salaries and benefits, why are we not getting more information and the full picture concerning that particular breed of state employee known as elected legislator?
-Marie Fernleaf Milwaukee (unverified)
Plenty of meat there for one of those long, wordy series some newspapers (not to mention any names) love to do. Let's put half a dozen reporters on it.
Then, when that's finished, we can look at salaries, benefits and pensions of newspaper editors and executives.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Stone announces for Walker's third term
Could Walker, who got 38% of the vote for governor in the county, win a third term himself? Doubtful.
But we do have to ask: Everyone has known for six weeks that Walker was leaving the job.
A small army of Democrats are still milling around, asking each other whether to run, while time slips away. It is now about nine weeks to the primary, and then seven more to the general election.
That's precious little time to assemble a serious campaign or raise the kind of money it will take to win. Stone will be well-funded, and will no doubt be able to build on the Milwaukee County organization Walker just built for November.
What in the hell are the Dems waiting for?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Real Have Whines About The Have Nots
CHARLIE SYKES, Conservative Talk Radio Host, 620 WTMJ-AM: $170,000 plus bonus(Salary estimated by WTMJ radio insiders; Sykes declined to confirm.)
The Ever Classless Kevin Fischer
Friday, December 10, 2010
Oh, That Liberal Media!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
McIlheran Gets Schooled
Too bad for Paddy that reality, as usual, is not on his side on this issue. Thus comes the schooling:
I am writing in response to columnist Patrick McIlheran's angry attack on my company, the WEA Trust.
He wrote in a Dec. 2 column on Perspectives that my company just lost the Milton School District as a health insurance customer because we were outbid. That is true. We competed in a fair bid process, and in this instance, the school district chose another carrier.
But McIlheran went on to make a series of unfounded and unwarranted statements that we must refute. He concluded that because we lost the business, my company, therefore, "sucks away scarce school money" from all of our state's schools where we do business. It's a choice between "more taxes or more ignorance," he says.
That's outrageous.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
McIlheran: Fighting Racism Is Pointless
There could be some value, Jungbluth says, if the exercise reassures the worried that police aren't stopping people on account of race. Lawmen already get that, however. They're trained that racial profiling will end their careers.
Walker Calls On Squawkers To Help Fight Against Jobs
The transition office of Republican Gov.-elect Scott Walker appears to be working with right wing radio host Vicki McKenna to manufacture opposition to the Midwest high speed rail project for Wisconsin, according to an email from, McKenna’s corporate account, obtained by One Wisconsin Now.
“For all Scott Walker’s bluster about ‘widespread’ opposition to high speed rail in Wisconsin, his taxpayer-financed transition office is desperate to manufacture a paper trail of opposition,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director. “With a multi-billion dollar deficit, Walker’s use of taxpayer resources to manufacture public relations opposition to high speed rail seems about as inappropriate as sending 13,000 jobs and $810 million in rail fund to Illinois, California or North Carolina.”
In the email obtained by One Wisconsin Now, Clear Channel’s right wing radio host Vicki McKenna begs supporters to contact the Walker transition office and register opposition to high speed rail. The email appears to be sent from McKenna’s Clear Channel email address and includes not only her contact and fax number at WIBA-AM in Madison, but identifies her as a WIBA and WISN-AM Milwaukee employee.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sykes' Reality Check
Afterthought: One fresh face who did win was a Democrat, Chris Larson, elected to the State Senate despite the best efforts of Sykes and Co. to defeat him. Another was Rebecca Kleefisch, LG-elect and a Sykes favorite, but he didn't mention her. Maybe she already has become an embarrassment.