Sunday, January 24, 2010

Who's The Richest Person In Southeastern Wisconsin?

Charlie Sykes is totally devoid of insight. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be pulling such stupid stunts.

A faithful reader pointed out that on Friday, Sykes spent some time criticizing one of his favorite targets, MPS, and their selection of a new superintendent.

The new superintendent, Gregory Thorton, has a "checkered past," according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

One of the points that Sykes kept hammering at was what Thorton said about his wife:
The Hartford Courant editorial also said that Thornton confirmed a report to the district that he had falsely identified his wife to local residents as a Hartford hospital administrator.
Is this something that Sykes thinks is a good talking point?

If so, we have two words for Sykes: Liz Woodhouse*.

So what does this have to do with the richest person in southeastern Wisconsin? Well, obviously the richest person is whoever landed the job of replacing all the broken windows in Sykes' house that he keeps throwing stones through.

*Interesting discovery: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has apparently deleted all of Tim Cuprisin's pieces on Sykes and Liz Woodhouse (aka Janet Riordan). I wonder why that would be?


  1. For the record, JS Online no longer contains stuff from the 1990s and well into the last decade, whether it's my old column or anything else. It's nothing nefarious, just a silly lapse in archiving.

  2. Thanks for the update, and thanks for reading. I still miss you in MJS.

  3. Thanks. You can find a fresh column every weekday at 11 a.m. at
