Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Thought He Just Did That For Radio Discourse

I blame the book. Kids were reading it and starting to lose IQ points with every page. Fortunately it's dropped back to 58,630 in the Amazon sales rankings so the taint won't spread.


  1. So, how many books have you sold? How about Nancy Pelosi?

  2. I'm rubber you're glue ...

    Is that the best you can do, Danny-boy? Schoolyard retorts?

  3. How many people are capable of writing a book? How many bloggers are capable of using the wrong title in their post?
    Considering that the book was written in 1995, to be even recognized is pretty darn good.

  4. Just about anyone can write a book. No need of mastering the English language required

  5. For the record, I have never sold Nancy Pelosi.

    The number of people capable of writing a book is roughly 67% of the population. That number jumps to 89% of former members of the Bush White House. The number of people capable of writing a readable book is somewhere around 42% although far fewer do so. The number among Journal Media staffers is closer to 4%, less on Saturday afternoons.

  6. I sold over 250,000 copies of a book I wrote about the GI Joe action figure (and was even interviewed on Sykes show).

    So I suppose I'm qualified to say: Sykes is full of crap.

    Though he was a fairly conscientious interviewer in my case.

  7. Obama wrote his own books; McCain hired someone to write his. Just sayin.'
