Mike Huckabee was just asked about some parolee who got out and killed someone or something. I don't know what case they are talking about. Did the media just "Willie Horton" Huckabee? (Not that there was anything wrong with raising the Willie Horton question).

McBride is a fan of the Willie Horton type attack. Her profile on WisPolitics, for example, includes:
20. The book I'm recommending these days is ...Here's one critique of Coulter's chapter, rewriting history. McBride did a little rewriting herself. Enjoy.
Ann Coulter, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism." I think that she opens herself up for criticism by going off the rhetorical deep end at times, but she's very good at deconstructing conventional wisdom. It's worth reading for her chapter on Willie Horton alone.
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